Spring is Here… on the calendar at least!

Spring has arrived (ok, I’m a few days late) on the Calendar, I awoke this morning full of promise and listening to the birds sing… looking out the window all I see is snow.

I am beginning to dislike that little (ok, HUGE) groundhog named Phil.  He is no longer on my friends list.  As the lady in the ESurance commercial says “I Unfriend You”.

Today is the start of me being re-energized for finding a new position though, so Spring is here in that regard.  I will be growing my LinkedIn network, posting to job opportunities I find interesting and looking for 3-5 companies I really find of great interest to work for.  Once I locate those companies I will begin an empassioned drive to to pursue opportunities there…

I had met a few months back with the CIO of my University, who said this is how he approached his job search.  He picked out 3 companies he wanted to badly work for, then pursued them relentlessly, even taking a lower level job at the final choice, just to get in the door towards the position he wanted.

I don’t have my companies in mind yet, but I’ll be looking.  I will also continue my work to grow my network, expand my job searches and pursue interesting opportunities that pop up along the way.  Care to join me in this spring time frolic of job hunting excellence?

About monty3038

Have recently completed my MBA in Management to go along with my 20+ years of IT experience... and am seeking new opportunities! This blog is my attempt at keeping track of my journey to a senior level position... I hope you enjoy it!
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